Triml Free Software Listing
The programs are completely free and
easily installed / uninstalled. The Download versions
are made to run on Microsoft Windows compatible operating systems.
The Play Online version works on Macs or PCs. We welcome suggestions and comments
To be automatically notified of
new programs and updates, please click here
(note: do not use your school email address if it is blocked from
receiving outside emails)Download vs. Play Online:
If you are using a PC running
MS-Windows and you are on a computer that you are allowed to
download to, Download is clearly the best option. The
program will have a much higher resolution, the speed and animations
will be better, and the program is on your own PC to use whenever
you wish. If you are on a school computer that does not allow
downloads or your are using a Mac, the Play Online option is the
best alternative for you. It will have a much lower resolution and
the animations are somewhat distorted.
Download and Play online are BOTH FREE.
Name Description FREE Download (click RUN when dialog appears) or FREE Play Online (click Online Tab above) Basic Skills Colors - Basic A fun look at the spectrum of colors (Updated Dec 2009)
Colors - Complete A more complete look at colors (Updated Dec 2009)
Shapes - Basic This program teaches about triangles, circles, squares, spheres, etc. through the use of animation, video clips and music. (updated Jan 2010)
Shapes - Complete A more complete exploration of shapes. (updated Jan 2010)
Opposites - Basic Some of the most common opposites (updated Jan 2010)
Opposites - Full A larger collection of opposites (updated Jan 2010)
Telling Time one o'clock, two o'clock...(updated Jan 2010)
Sign Language Common words signed and illustrated (updated Jan 2010)
Nouns A - E

Nouns F - J

Nouns K - O

Nouns P - T

Nouns U - Z (updated May 2009)
Verbs A - E (updated May 2009)
Verbs F - J (updated May 2009)
Verbs K - O (updated May 2009)
Verbs P - T (updated May 2009)
Verbs U - Z (updated May 2009)
Dolch Words Pre Primary Words "And" "Go" "Help", etc (updated Jan 2010)
Primary Words "Good" "Must" "Pretty", etc (updated Jan 2010)
First Grade Words "Again" "Every" "Open", etc --> (updated Jan 2010)
Second Grade Words (updated Jan 2010)
Third Grade Words (updated Jan 2010)
Numbers, Counting, and Math Before, Between & After (updated Jan 2010)
Which is Less? (updated Jan 2010)
Which is More?
(updated Jan 2010)
Sums and
(updated Jan 2010)
What's Missing?
(updated Jan 2010)
Find the
(updated Jan 2010)
Find the Sum
(updated Jan 2010)
Sum Three
(updated Jan 2010)
(updated Jan 2010)
Counting Money
(updated Jan 2010)
Counting Machine
This is a single
screen "'machine" that allows the child to
visually. The program can be used without a mouse, but
with some basic mouse skills the child can pick the shapes,
sounds and quantities themselves.
Adding Machine
This is a single
screen "'machine" that allows the child to
add and subtract visually. The program can be
used without a mouse, but with some basic mouse skills the
child can pick the numbers themselves. (updated May
Number Rows
This is a single
screen "'machine" that allows the child to
add, subtract, multiply and divide rows of numbers. The program can be
used without a mouse, but with some basic mouse skills the
child can pick the numbers themselves. (Added Oct
Numbers Volume 1
All the numbers from 0 -20 presented in a fun way that
should keep a child's interest. Volume 1 is animated
clipart and photographs set to music. (Updated
February 2010)
Numbers Volume 2 - Movies This program contains about 20 short video clips that show numbers in interesting and creative ways. This program is more for fun than actual skills teaching, but should be especially good for children who respond well to visual stimulation. (updated July 2010)
Big Numbers A simple program for kids who love large numbers
Behavior Naughty Boy Shows naughty behaviors the better alternatives by Sara (updated March 2010)
Naughty Boy with Electronics Shows naughty behaviors with computers and other electronics along with the better alternatives by Sara (Updated February 2010)
Nice or Mean Examples of good and bad behavior (Updated February 2010)
Upcoming Holidays and Seasons Fourth of July NEW
Happy Birthday The celebration of birthdays as seen through a child's eyes (updated Feb 2010)
Birthday Song (Added March 2010)
Spring Updated Feb 2010
Summer Updated Feb 2010
Fall Updated July 2010
Winter Updated Feb 2010
Classic Stories Jack and the Beanstalk Added January 2010
Goldilocks and the 3 Bears Updated February 2010
Over in the Meadow Updated February 2010
Three Little Pigs Updated July 2010
The Little Red Hen Updated July 2010
little Red Riding Hood Updated July 2010
Original Stories Outside Boy A boy and his imagination encounter dinosaurs, pirates and other adventures. by Sara (update Feb 2010)
Inside Day Updated July 2010
Yummytummy by Sara (updated July 2010)
The Earth by Kristen and Sara (Updated Feb 2010)
Traditional Songs and Nursery Rhymes Wheels On The Bus This traditional children's song illustrates parts of the bus that move (wheels, wipers, doors etc.) through photographs and song .(updated July 2010)
Old Mac Donald This traditional children's song illustrates farm animals, (cow, duck, horse, chicken, sheep, cat, dog, goat, and pig) through photographs and song. (updated April 2010)
This Is The Way This traditional children's song illustrates daily activities and routines (bathing, brushing teeth, going to school, eating, going potty, washing hands, going to bed, getting dressed, riding in the car) through photographs and song. (updated April 2010)
Birthday Song (Added March 2010)
Rhyme Time #1: 'Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star', 'The Ants Go Marching', 'Hey Diddle-Diddle', 'London Bridge', and 'Open-Shut Them'. (updated July 2010)
Rhyme Time #2 'Rain-Rain Go Away', 'Wee Little Winky', Ring Around The Rosie', Sing A Song Of Sixpence' (updated July 2010)
Rhyme Time #3 'To Market-To Market', 'Pat A Cake', 'Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes', and 'Humpty-Dumpty'. (updated July 2010)
Rhyme Time #4 'Itsy Bitsy Spider', 'Little Bunny Foo-Foo', ' Hickory-Dickory Dock', '1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5', 'Ba-Ba Black Sheep', and 'Jack and Jill' .(updated July 2010)
Rhyme Time #5 'Three Little Monkeys', 'Hot Cross Buns', '1, 2, Buckle My Shoe', 'Mary Had A Little Lamb', 'Yankee Doodle', and 'Happy Birthday'.(updated July 2010)
Rhyme Time #6 'Row Your Boat', 'Trot-Trot To Boston', Mary-Mary Quite Contrary', and 'Ride A Cock Horse'. (formerly part of rhyme time 2) (updated July 2010)
Rhyme Time #7 ''Doggie In The Window', '10 Little Indians', 'This Is The Way' (formerly part of rhyme time 3) (updated July 2010)
Going Places Going to Disney World updated April 2010
Going to a Wedding added June 2010
Going to a Wedding Reception added Jan 2009
Going Potty (Girls) updated May 2010
Going Potty (Boys) updated May 2010
Going to School getting ready, riding the bus, school activities, and coming home. The extended version is longer with more pictures (updated July 2010)

Going to Bed (updated December 2010)
Going to the Grocery Helps children prepare for what they will see from the time they leave home till the time they get back from the grocery. (updated June 2010)
Going to a Restaurant Shows children what to expect during a family outing to a restaurant. (updated Jan 08) --
Getting a Haircut The haircut process from start to finish. (updated June 2010)
Going to the Doctor - Well Child Checkup (updated June 2010)
Going to the Doctor - For an Injury added June 2010
Going to the Doctor - For an Illness (updated June 2010)
Going to the Hospital - For an Illness (updated June 2010)
Going to the Hospital - For an Injury (updated June 2010)
Going to the Dentist We try to take some of the anxiety out of this event by explaining all the steps. (updated June 2010)
Going on a Plane Ride Getting ready to go, at the airport, boarding and flying, arriving, etc. Uses mostly photographs and music, plus several video clips (updated March 08)
Going to the Movies Added June 2010
Athletes Added April 2009
Occupations and Transportation Occupations Shows the many types of jobs that people do - from all walks of life. High tech and low tech, skilled and unskilled, and everything in between. Uses photographs, animations and music. (updated March 08) Go to Occupations Transportation - things that have motors Cars, planes and lots of other fun things (added Sept 2008)
Transportation - No Motors! bicycles, etc (updated July 2010)
Emotions Life and Death (added January 2011)
Emotions, Moods and Feelings (Basic Only) The most common emotions and their opposites (added February 2009)
Emotions, Moods and Feelings (Comprehensive) happy, sad and everything in between (Updated Dec 2009)
History The Wampanaug
The First Harvest
Mammals M-Z Mammals from the second half of the alphabet. (updated Nov 2010)
Domestic Animals cats, dogs, etc. (updated Nov 2010)
Insects (updated December 2010)
Reptiles (updated December 2010)
Birds (updated December 2010)
Seabirds (updated December 2010)
Tropical Birds (updated December 2010)
Printable Flash Cards Food Cards This is a printable PDF containing cards to aid communication. The first page is blank to help align your printer. You may print some or all of the cards. The cards may be printed on either plain paper, or if you want to make it easy on yourself, buy the following pre-perforated cards at an office supply store Avery postcards #8387 4 cards per sheet
Emotion Cards This is a printable PDF containing cards to aid communication. The first page is blank to help align your printer. You may print some or all of the cards. The cards may be printed on either plain paper, or if you want to make it easy on yourself, buy the following pre-perforated cards at an office supply store Avery postcards #8387 4 cards per sheet
Numbers Movies - Just for Fun
Name Description FREE Download (click RUN when dialog appears) or FREE Play Online (click Online Tab above) Basic Skills Colors - Basic A fun look at the spectrum of colors (Updated Dec 2009)
Colors - Complete A more complete look at colors (Updated Dec 2009)
Shapes - Basic This program teaches about triangles, circles, squares, spheres, etc. through the use of animation, video clips and music. (updated Jan 2010)
Shapes - Complete A more complete exploration of shapes. (updated Jan 2010)
Opposites - Basic Some of the most common opposites (updated Jan 2010)
Opposites - Full A larger collection of opposites (updated Jan 2010)
Telling Time one o'clock, two o'clock...(updated Jan 2010)
Sign Language Common words signed and illustrated (updated Jan 2010)
Nouns A - E
Nouns F - J
Nouns K - O
Nouns P - T
Nouns U - Z (updated May 2009)
Verbs A - E (updated May 2009)
Verbs F - J (updated May 2009)
Verbs K - O (updated May 2009)
Verbs P - T (updated May 2009)
Verbs U - Z (updated May 2009)
Dolch Words Pre Primary Words "And" "Go" "Help", etc (updated Jan 2010)
Primary Words "Good" "Must" "Pretty", etc (updated Jan 2010)
First Grade Words "Again" "Every" "Open", etc --> (updated Jan 2010)
Second Grade Words (updated Jan 2010)
Third Grade Words (updated Jan 2010)
Numbers, Counting, and Math Before, Between & After (updated Jan 2010)
Which is Less? (updated Jan 2010)
Numbers Volume 2 - Movies This program contains about 20 short video clips that show numbers in interesting and creative ways. This program is more for fun than actual skills teaching, but should be especially good for children who respond well to visual stimulation. (updated July 2010)
Big Numbers A simple program for kids who love large numbers
Behavior Naughty Boy Shows naughty behaviors the better alternatives by Sara (updated March 2010)
Naughty Boy with Electronics Shows naughty behaviors with computers and other electronics along with the better alternatives by Sara (Updated February 2010)
Nice or Mean Examples of good and bad behavior (Updated February 2010)
Upcoming Holidays and Seasons Fourth of July NEW
Happy Birthday The celebration of birthdays as seen through a child's eyes (updated Feb 2010)
Birthday Song (Added March 2010)
Spring Updated Feb 2010
Summer Updated Feb 2010
Fall Updated July 2010
Winter Updated Feb 2010
Classic Stories Jack and the Beanstalk Added January 2010
Goldilocks and the 3 Bears Updated February 2010
Over in the Meadow Updated February 2010
Three Little Pigs Updated July 2010
The Little Red Hen Updated July 2010
little Red Riding Hood Updated July 2010
Original Stories Outside Boy A boy and his imagination encounter dinosaurs, pirates and other adventures. by Sara (update Feb 2010)
Inside Day Updated July 2010
Yummytummy by Sara (updated July 2010)
The Earth by Kristen and Sara (Updated Feb 2010)
Traditional Songs and Nursery Rhymes Wheels On The Bus This traditional children's song illustrates parts of the bus that move (wheels, wipers, doors etc.) through photographs and song .(updated July 2010)
Old Mac Donald This traditional children's song illustrates farm animals, (cow, duck, horse, chicken, sheep, cat, dog, goat, and pig) through photographs and song. (updated April 2010)
This Is The Way This traditional children's song illustrates daily activities and routines (bathing, brushing teeth, going to school, eating, going potty, washing hands, going to bed, getting dressed, riding in the car) through photographs and song. (updated April 2010)
Birthday Song (Added March 2010)
Rhyme Time #1: 'Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star', 'The Ants Go Marching', 'Hey Diddle-Diddle', 'London Bridge', and 'Open-Shut Them'. (updated July 2010)
Rhyme Time #2 'Rain-Rain Go Away', 'Wee Little Winky', Ring Around The Rosie', Sing A Song Of Sixpence' (updated July 2010)
Rhyme Time #3 'To Market-To Market', 'Pat A Cake', 'Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes', and 'Humpty-Dumpty'. (updated July 2010)
Rhyme Time #4 'Itsy Bitsy Spider', 'Little Bunny Foo-Foo', ' Hickory-Dickory Dock', '1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5', 'Ba-Ba Black Sheep', and 'Jack and Jill' .(updated July 2010)
Rhyme Time #5 'Three Little Monkeys', 'Hot Cross Buns', '1, 2, Buckle My Shoe', 'Mary Had A Little Lamb', 'Yankee Doodle', and 'Happy Birthday'.(updated July 2010)
Rhyme Time #6 'Row Your Boat', 'Trot-Trot To Boston', Mary-Mary Quite Contrary', and 'Ride A Cock Horse'. (formerly part of rhyme time 2) (updated July 2010)
Rhyme Time #7 ''Doggie In The Window', '10 Little Indians', 'This Is The Way' (formerly part of rhyme time 3) (updated July 2010)
Going Places Going to Disney World updated April 2010
Going to a Wedding added June 2010
Going to a Wedding Reception added Jan 2009
Going Potty (Girls) updated May 2010
Going Potty (Boys) updated May 2010
Going to School getting ready, riding the bus, school activities, and coming home. The extended version is longer with more pictures (updated July 2010)
Going to Bed (updated December 2010)
Going to the Grocery Helps children prepare for what they will see from the time they leave home till the time they get back from the grocery. (updated June 2010)
Going to a Restaurant Shows children what to expect during a family outing to a restaurant. (updated Jan 08) --
Getting a Haircut The haircut process from start to finish. (updated June 2010)
Going to the Doctor - Well Child Checkup (updated June 2010)
Going to the Doctor - For an Injury added June 2010
Going to the Doctor - For an Illness (updated June 2010)
Going to the Hospital - For an Illness (updated June 2010)
Going to the Hospital - For an Injury (updated June 2010)
Going to the Dentist We try to take some of the anxiety out of this event by explaining all the steps. (updated June 2010)
Going on a Plane Ride Getting ready to go, at the airport, boarding and flying, arriving, etc. Uses mostly photographs and music, plus several video clips (updated March 08)
Going to the Movies Added June 2010
Athletes Added April 2009
Occupations and Transportation Occupations Shows the many types of jobs that people do - from all walks of life. High tech and low tech, skilled and unskilled, and everything in between. Uses photographs, animations and music. (updated March 08) Go to Occupations Transportation - things that have motors Cars, planes and lots of other fun things (added Sept 2008)
Transportation - No Motors! bicycles, etc (updated July 2010)
Emotions Life and Death (added January 2011)
Emotions, Moods and Feelings (Basic Only) The most common emotions and their opposites (added February 2009)
Emotions, Moods and Feelings (Comprehensive) happy, sad and everything in between (Updated Dec 2009)
History The Wampanaug
The First Harvest
Mammals M-Z Mammals from the second half of the alphabet. (updated Nov 2010)
Domestic Animals cats, dogs, etc. (updated Nov 2010)
Insects (updated December 2010)
Reptiles (updated December 2010)
Birds (updated December 2010)
Seabirds (updated December 2010)
Tropical Birds (updated December 2010)
Printable Flash Cards Food Cards This is a printable PDF containing cards to aid communication. The first page is blank to help align your printer. You may print some or all of the cards. The cards may be printed on either plain paper, or if you want to make it easy on yourself, buy the following pre-perforated cards at an office supply store Avery postcards #8387 4 cards per sheet
Emotion Cards This is a printable PDF containing cards to aid communication. The first page is blank to help align your printer. You may print some or all of the cards. The cards may be printed on either plain paper, or if you want to make it easy on yourself, buy the following pre-perforated cards at an office supply store Avery postcards #8387 4 cards per sheet
Numbers Movies - Just for Fun
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